
로그인 회원가입
  • 항공유학
  • 협력대학정보
  • 항공유학


    San Jose State University

    페이지 정보

    작성자 최고관리자
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 276회   작성일Date 19-11-19 15:35


    Tuition and campus fee: $17,300

    Living Expenses: $21,397

    Medical Insurance: $1,888


    International Undergraduate Admissions:

    ·         Official transcript from secondary or hig school

    ·         Declaration of Finance and Bank Statement

    o   Showing a minimum of $40,585 in current funds available for study

    o   If your funds come from  your government or a private agency: complete and sign the Declaration of Finance and attach a verification letter on letterhead paper from  your government or private agency indicating a minimum of $40,585 in available funds

    o   If your funds are from an individual sponsor (self, parents etc): complete and sign the Declaration of Finance, you must enter the required information regarding yur parents or sponsor; you must attach a letter from your sponsor’s bank indicating a minimum of $40,585 in available funds

    ·         Passport Copy

    ·         SJSU health insurance

    ·         Proof of English Proficiency:

    o   TOEFL: 61 iBT (all undergraduate majors except engineering)

    o   IELTS: 6.0 (all undergraduate majors)

    o   PTE: 44 (all undergraduate majors except engineering)

    Programs: -BS Aviation programs prepare for careers in professional flying, airport operations and management, maintenance management, and airline operations, general management, and air traffic control management.

                    - BS Industrial Technology Program prepares students for technical management careers in Business, Industry, and government working with high tech Computer Network Systems, and development and operation of Manufacturing Systems


    Rankings: #33 in Regional Universities West

                      #18 in Best Colleges for Veterans

                      #52 in Best Value Schools








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